Phyto Bix Herbal Poster Dangular Design Phyto Bix Herbal Poster Dangular Design

Phyto Bix Herbal Poster Dangular Design

Handled: Poster & Dangler

Client Name: Phyto Bix

Industry: Herbal Biscuits

City: Chennai

Country: India

Other designs handled for Phyto Bix

Elevating In-Store Presence: Phyto Bix Point of Purchase Posters by Get Noticed

Following the success of the Phyto Bix Bus Back Advertising Campaign, Get Noticed continued its creative excellence by designing impactful point-of-purchase (POP) posters for Phyto Bix. These posters played a pivotal role in the product launch, complementing the outdoor advertising efforts and enhancing the in-store consumer experience.

Striking Poster Design

The Get Noticed team poured their creativity into crafting POP posters that were both visually captivating and informative. The design integrated Phyto Bix's branding elements with vibrant visuals and compelling messaging. Each poster was strategically designed to catch the shopper's eye and convey the product's unique selling points effectively.

Boosting In-Store Engagement

Placed prominently within retail environments, the posters served as key visual anchors that guided consumers towards the Phyto Bix display. By highlighting the benefits and features of the products, the posters not only increased product visibility but also encouraged shoppers to make informed purchasing decisions. This approach significantly boosted in-store engagement and drove sales.

Complementing Outdoor Advertising

The cohesive visual language between the outdoor advertising campaign and the POP posters ensured a seamless brand experience. The consistency in design and messaging across different marketing touchpoints reinforced the brand's presence and amplified the overall impact of the campaign. This strategic alignment between outdoor and in-store advertising created a holistic marketing approach that resonated with consumers.

Positive Consumer Reception

Consumers responded enthusiastically to the POP posters, noting their appeal and effectiveness in showcasing the Phyto Bix products. The combination of outdoor advertisements and in-store posters created a comprehensive and engaging brand experience, making the product launch highly successful. This multifaceted approach not only increased brand awareness but also strengthened consumer loyalty.


The Phyto Bix Point of Purchase Posters project exemplifies Get Noticed's ability to create cohesive and impactful marketing solutions. By integrating outdoor advertising with innovative in-store displays, Get Noticed ensured a successful product launch that captured consumer interest and drove sales. This continued collaboration between Phyto Bix and Get Noticed highlights the power of creative marketing in achieving business success and setting new standards in the industry.

Through this project, Get Noticed once again demonstrated its commitment to delivering exceptional creative solutions that enhance brand visibility and consumer engagement, solidifying its reputation as a leader in the field of advertising and marketing.